
Since the fall of man, the world has not had a shred of truth in it. It is completely devoid of that substance. Truth is the unique property of God; and for those of you who missed it, That Land Holder Does Not Live Here. He cut out, and took off, the day he posted fiery swords at the gates of Eden.

The concept of the T-Word

Logicians have borrowed its mention for their logical proofs, those being proofs of logic—so far as numbers and materials can take them. And God has no quarrel with that lofty pretext—but he does not live in it. And though there be no numbers in heaven, the place is all truth, all time, and knowing, straight. (All necessary human interpolation excluded.) Now, if you believe this, your life will never be the same to you, as when you were, as you were. And for a handle, you can say you are saved—out of any true proximity—in a day the scales were lifted from your eyes.

You are loved beyond all measure, in truth: No man, outside of grace, can behold it.

© 2020 Bartók Rádió — Budapest