End Of Freedom
End Of Freedom
End Of Freedom

Fascism is the conjunction of State Power with Business Interests. It is the ultimate evil force. It takes the goal of business, and the means of its achievement, and locks them together. Why is fascism unstoppable?

Ninety-nine percent of the world's population live in fear as cowards; if you lie to those cowards to scare them, they can be robotically controlled as an army who believes that the solution to all conflict is to give in to the bully.

Furthermore, they look up to power as a father figure. They will never question the authority, or rightfulness, of State Control. This fear makes fascism the easiest of all the abuses of family to achieve. It is the automatic and default state.

Fascism and State are thus synonymous. In the end, the fascism cannot be dismounted without the absolute fall of the state. No trace of the affected alliance can be left standing or it will return full force.

This video carefully shows how the loss of money triggered the final destruction of the United States of America, with no trace of knowledge nor truth to stop it. All of America's political leaders are fascists.

This method is proven. Politics are the foundational cornerstones to fascism. Without these symphony leaders, people would act and think for themselves.

Fascism Installed

World Intelligence Acts

End Of Freedom
A Criminal Act
End Of Freedom

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